Sunday 14 April 2013

Be Thankful.

Bible Verse Of The Day: 
“Worship the Lord your God and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away
sickness from among you.” Exodus 23:25

If something is beautiful in Gods eyes..that means it's amazingly beautiful! God created us and if God thinks we are beautiful in His eyes, that's the truth! You might not see beauty when you look at yourself in the mirror, but what is it that makes you feel so ugly? Not having the same kind of hair than your friends? Having big arms and a fat tummy? Lost a part of your body in an accident? Looking different? Well, you're not the only one! Like I've said before, only God is perfect.

After seeing (real) homeless people, I realized how blessed I actually am. I've seen homeless people before as well, but because I was so young then, I didn't really understand.

I once saw a documentary of 3 little girls who were blind and deaf at the same time. It made me think how blessed and lucky I am. I can see all the amazing things God has created, I can hear every little noise this world is making, I can speak and praise with songs, I can walk with 2 legs. Okay, maybe I don't look like a model but who said you have to look like a model to be beautiful? Where in the Bible does is say that you have to have the perfect body, loads of money, amazing hair to be beautiful? Nowhere!

"Be thankful for what you've got." That's what my parents have always told me and my siblings.
You might not have the perfect nose, but you've got something someone else doesn't have.

Be thankful for the little things. You might think it's silly to be thankful for having a proper bed where to sleep, eating fresh food, drinking clean water and having someone taking care of you. Well, unfortunately there are a lot of people who are living on the streets, eating old food from the rubbish bins, drinking dirty water. But in the end, only God can help.

God Bless xxx

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