Bible Verse Of The Day:
"Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue,
then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
-Romans. 13:7
Hello everyone,
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear someone say "I'm unemployed and don't have a lot of money. I desperately need a new pair of winter shoes because the ones that I've got now are broken!" ? Would you feel sad for the person? Or would you just ignore the situation? Or would you actually do something about it?
When I hear someone say something like that, I, honestly, always feel like giving a pair of my own shoes (to that person).
A couple years ago, I was working at a family camp by taking care of the children. I got paid like everyone else. My mum turned around and said, "when I get money, I always give 10% of it to God".
That was the first time I had ever heard of it.
If you're wondering what the 10% is all about? It means, that every time you get paid, you give 10% of it to God. And this time, I don't mean by actually giving real cash to God by hand or transferring money through internet. No. I mean by doing something, either to help someone/something, or do something that honers the Lord. For instance, I've given my 10%s to a Christian organization, called Birds Of Hope, where they sell hand made birds for clean water.
The founder of it is my friend and I know the money goes for a good cause.
God bless their organization.
But giving doesn't always have to be money. It can be clothes, food, furniture, books, name it. And when you do give something to another person, don't expect to get anything back.
When you're giving, don't give because you want show off or because you feel guilty, give because you want to. Do it from your heart, from the very bottom of your heart.
Merry Christmas.
God Bless xxx
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