Sunday, 7 April 2013

Love Yourself!

Bible Verse Of The Day:
"Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: 'Love your neighbour the same as you love yourself'." - Matthew. 22:37-39

You've just bought a new dress and you wear it the next day in school. What would you say if someone random just came to you and say "wow, I love your dress. You look so gorgeous."? Would you be like "Oh...this dress... it's nothing special. ... Yeah right! You're more gorgeous me!"
That's how we, people, normally act(but not everyone). But why? Isn't nice when someone comes up to you says something nice?

Here are 2  good examples of not good conversations:
Miranda: "I hate my hair!"
Debby: "You've got a beautiful hair. But look at mine! It's horrible! I would love my hair to look like Kim Kardashian's!"
Miranda: "No I don't. It's all dry and ugly! Me too.. I would literally die to have her hair!"

Kate: "I absolutely hate my legs. I'm so gonna go on a diet."
Sally: "Me too. My legs are fat and full of cellulite.."
Kate: "Have you ever thought about plastic surgery?"
Sally: "Not really... but that's something I could consider about."

Why do always have to look for the bad sides in you? And before you're gonna say "..but there's nothing good about me!" ... well, that's not true. Like I've said before and I will say it again, why would God create an ugly child?
You're never gonna be perfect and that's the fact. Because only God is!

Of course it's nice to put some makeup on and look good, but remember not to go too far.

Remember that the true beauty comes from the inside.
Because which one would you choose:
A girl who's  rich, fake tan, lives in a millionaire family, gorgeous. But she's VERY nasty and the only person she thinks of is herself. She doesn't care about other people opinions and uses her friends and family. ?
A girl who's poor, has only 2 pairs of shoes, lives on the street, no family, horrible clothes. But she's got the most warmest heart in the world. Her biggest dream is to help others and she doesn't care about what people think about her. ?

Life isn't always all about how good you look in your clothes, how much money you've got, how many times you've been in a relationship...

If you don't know who to love yourself, how can love your friends?
So start loving and respecting yourself.

God Bless xxx

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