Friday, 29 March 2013

The Cross.

Bible Verse Of The Day:
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though they die.  Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" 
- John. 11:25-26

Jesus died for us all. Not because so He could show off how amazing and cool He God sent His only son, Jesus, to live like a human, suffer like a human and die like a human.
Jesus died for our sins. I mean how amazing is that!?

What would you do if a friend of yours would give their life for you? What would you say to that person? .... Or what if the person that would give their life for you would be someone you wouldn't even know? What would you say then? ...... Would you be angry? No! Would you thank the person for the rest of your life? Of course you would!
So, what makes you think that Jesus is any different? ...He died for YOU. He gave His life for YOU. He was ready to suffer because He loved YOU SO much! So, how can you even say that He's never done anything for you?!

Even though Jesus was(still is) Holy and the son of God, He still suffered like a human. He had feelings and He was in pain. Imagine if you would have to go through something like that? Would you be in pain? Of course you would!
Would you be ready to give your life for someone you dearly loved? ...What about giving your life for someone you've never liked? ... Well, Jesus didn't die only for Christians, He died for EVERYONE!

God Bless xxx

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