Bible Verse Of The Day:
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I
reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood
behind me."
Hello everyone,
Last week, the Internet didn't work in our flat (right now I'm living in a student apartment because of my studies), so I decided to watch a movie called Benjamin Button.
I actually lent it from my room mate, who recommended to watch it. And I'm very glad that I did, because it was such a beautiful movie.
It brought up so many emotions and memories. It made me realize how precious our life is and how we should enjoy everyday.
It made me realize as well how much good I've got in my life. I've got an amazing family, supporting friends, loving God, a roof over my head, a chance to go to school, clean water to drink, money to buy food, clothes to make me feel warmer, caring grandparents who are always there for me, a proper bed where to sleep, people who I can always talk to, toothbrush that cleans my teeth, shoes that protect my sensitive feet.. etc.
Of course there are things in my life which could better, but why can't I just be happy with the things I've got right now. That's something I need to learn...but thankfully I've got the best teacher to teach me and His name is God.
There are so many movies out there that deals with money, popularity, happy love endings, fame, jealousy and pride. But this movie, Benjamin Button, deals more with reality. It tells us how precious our life is and how important it is to enjoy every moment.
I'm not going to tell how the movie goes, just in case if someone hasn't seen it yet.
But I do recommend it to all of you. :)
God Bless xxx